Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last Shuttle launch

I watched the final space shuttle launch of the Atlantis yesterday morning with my father and my wife. I cheered as the massive ship lifted off the pad headed to the stars, I scared the cats. I could not help to reflect back 30 years ago to April 12th 1981 sitting in the family room in Ceres California with my father, mother and great aunt Grace (84 years old) watching the count down to the launch of the first Space Shuttle Columbia. That day as well I cheered along with everyone that was watching that day as we watched in excitement as that massive ship moved off of the pad heading to space. I had grown up watch the Apollo Saturn 5 rockets launches but the seemed not to compare with the huge Space Shuttle with fuel tank and booster rockets. My great aunt Grace moved from Wisconsin to Iowa in a covered wagon. She lived to see man on the moon and the Space Shuttle the Shuttle

I have been a huge NASA fan since Neil Armstrong first stepped on to the moon, I have suffered through the two Space Shuttle disasters taking the lives of 13 astronauts and one civilian and wondering was the price to high for the loss of life for the knowledge that we gained in exchange. I know that in the history of exploration there have been loss of life by those willing to take the voyage with out a second thought and going forward as mankind continues to explore where we have never been, there will be men paying the ultimate price to gain that knowledge.

Part of me is sad with the of the Space Shuttle program but another part is excited what the future will bring as mankind continues to reach for the stars. Next stop Mars.

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